Thursday, September 17, 2009

The photograph shows how the 'law of triangulation' and the 'law of putting small things together to improve performance' work in increasing the stiffness (performance) of a structure.

This structure has been constructed out of very thin sheets (3 mm) of corrogated plastic material. Individually, each sheet can be crumpled up by the pressure of one hand. A five year old can do that easily.

But a miracle happens when such thin sheets are cleverly placed on top of each other and glued together to form innumerable small triangles. When constructed like this the material as a whole suddendly gains enormous strength. The structure does not give way under the load of six to seven adults standing or dancing on the fabricated structure.

The principle of 'triangulation' and the principle of 'putting small things together to change performance' come in handy to engineers to find creative solutions to their problems.

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