Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bottom up

Over the last 30 years of my professional life I have come to realize that the heart of any improvement process lies right at the bottom of the traditional organisational chart, i.e. the workers.

I understand that the word robot means the worker. So they are supposed to work with their hands and not supposed to use their mind or their heart for that matter. So treat them as another extention of the machines they work with.

When such an attitude is carried around for a long time the bottom dries up. It is no longer attractive to even look at. Management fails to pay the right attention. And over time the organisation goes into the red, little realizing that all the stored energy and talent needed for renewal and transformation lay in that often neglected place.

So there is an urgent need to improve the lot of the bottom. This may only be done through education, coaching and mentoring. Otherwise the bottom would sooner or later suck in the organisation.

So we now have a plan. We are helping Tega to open a technical training institute where school drop outs from nearby villages can join to learn some basic skills to get employed in industries.

It would help the drop out who would, otherwise, have nothing better to do. It would also help the industries and society at large.

The institute would start from October.

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